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So this morning I went to a public Toronto high school as a Tyndale representative, because they were having a university fair day. I heard “mother of God!!”, “What the hell?!”, and “damn”, all within the first 20 minutes. And that was from the definately frazzled guidance teacher…

The guidance teacher said that no one had confirmed with her that I was coming, so she didn’t offer Tyndale as a session for the students (she also said that it was quite possible that she simply forgot, because she is going on stress leave as of tomorrow). Anyway, she made an announcement over the PA, but because no one has really heard of us, no one came. So I sat talking to this woman in her office for a while. She was pretty high strung, and quite visibly stressed and flustered, due to the craziness of 14 university reps, and a very busy day. She wanted to know all about Tyndale, so that she could be informed in case any of her students were interested. As I was waiting for her to be available and finished with all the trouble-shooting, she said to me, “thank-you so much- you’re really patient! It must be because you’re Christian!” with a semi-sarcastic laugh. I laughed. A few minutes later, in her office, she said “I hope I didn’t offend you out there, by saying that you were being patient because you’re a Christian”, but I assured her that it was indeed a compliment!

Thus began a 40 minute or so conversation about God, life, and churches. She was raised Catholic, but now describes herself as “searching”. She asked me what I would do if I died, and found out that it was all a sham (Christianity, heaven, etc). I said that I have never considered that question, because I believe in God 100%, without any doubts. I know in my heart and soul that it is the Truth, and it would be foolish to doubt something that you are SURE of. She also mentioned the hypocrisy of come churches that she had come into contact with, and I told her that I try to not focus on religion, but on the relationship that I have with God, because that is what ultimately matters, and also that it is a good thing that God’s grace is sufficient, because there sure are no perfect people, or churches. She admitted that maybe it is that relationship with God that she is searching for, but that she just doesn’t know it yet. She asked if I ever get tired of talking about my faith, and I said absolutely not, I love it.

It was a VERY interesting chat in a very unexpected way, but I once again have seen how God orchestrates things according to HIS master plan, and that when things don’t work out the way WE think they should (no students came to talk to me), it is certainly for a higher purpose (sharing my faith with a high school guidance counsellor).

I'm Red, he's Honey. I'm the writer of this blog and the source of your entertainment and/or boredom. We're parents of an exceptionally adorable child, and we have no idea what we're doing! This blog is the outlet for my thoughts along the way - welcome! Pull up a couch, grab a cup of tea, and stay a while! Or back away slowly. Whatever works.

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October 2006