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Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Oh my. I am SO excited. I’m nervous, and my heart’s all a-flutter.

(It feels like the first day of school – anxiously awaiting meeting new people. Will they like me? Am I cool enough? Am I going to have any friends? Yeah, I seriously am a dork. A likable dork, though, right?)

It’s not the first day of school, but I am still full of nervous energy. It’s the Ultimate Blog Party, and it’s happening at a hip little site called 5 Minutes For Mom. It’s basically a virtual party – a way to meet other bloggers.

So, I have these teeny tiny little plans for one day having a great blog that people I don’t even know want to read. I know, I know… what aspiring blogger doesn’t want that? But still, there it is. And here’s my chance to actually meet some cool people around the blogosphere in addition to few faithful friends that actually read and comment here already (hi few and faithful friends! i love you guys!).

Well, I guess I should introduce myself, rather than blathering on like a total dork.

I’m Beth, aka Red. Here’s a photo of me to explain the name:


Get it? Good. I knew you were smart. And on the right is my honey. He’s so sweet. Those big brown eyes get me every time… *sigh*.

Here’s the lowdown on us. I guess you could read the ‘about’ page (which I want to re-write soon anyway), but here’s the quick and dirty version (Is that a bad saying? I tend to sometimes use bad sayings without actually knowing what they mean. I’m innocent, what can I say?!):

We met and fell in love in high school. I was 17, he was 18. We got married at 19 & 20. It was love, true love. We’re coming up on our 6th anniversary now, and have the world’s cutest baby. His name is Isaac.

Hubby is partway through his training to become a missionary pilot. I’m a SAHM. We are working towards a future as missionaries in Africa. We’ve already been short-term, and got the itch.

Or, more accurately, God called us.

And like Abraham in Genesis 12, we don’t want to settle where we are (ie. we don’t want to become complacent and say no when God is calling us to something kinda scary). We want to pack up and go wherever God is calling us, even if it sometimes sucks.

And that’s the truth.

Regarding this blog… to be perfectly honest, I’m still trying to discover my niche. Until I figure that out, you get to read my jumbled mess of thoughts in this whacked out thing they call motherhood.

I’d love to make some new blogging friends who are super-cool like me, so leave a comment and introduce yourself, whether you are participating in the Ultimate Blog Party or not. I can’t wait to meet you!

Yay for parties!


P.S.  Here are my top choices for UBP09 prizes:

USC 57 – Personalized Graphic Button Design

USC 47 – $25 Amazon gift certificate

USC 6 – $50 gift certificate to

Or any of these would be great too: USC 61, 67, 73, 58, 49, 44, 23, 36, 30, 21, 20, 17, 16, 15, 3


If you’ve been reading my blog at all over the last few months, you’ve probably noticed that I’ve been having a bit of an identity crisis. I’ve been changing the name of the blog oh, about a zillion times.

I just can’t settle on a name that I *LOVE*. You know, the Perfect Blog Title.

Even the current one is just mediocre. And mediocrity, my friends, is NOT ok with me. I’m an all or nothing type of person. (Actually, I think it sometimes prevents me from doing things, because I’m afraid I won’t measure up to my own high standards, so I just don’t bother trying). But that’s enough about my weird psychological quirks. The point is…

I can’t think of a blog title!

Arghhh! OK, that’s it… the next time I change it, it will be permanent. Forever and ever until I say otherwise. I have hope – inspiration will strike, I just need to have patience.

Stay tuned for greatness…

Well, I think I have a case of “greener-grass-itis”.  It’s inevitable, isn’t it?  I just got back from a 2 week business trip to Kenya for meetings, and I actually had the nerve to think my life is uncool?  Geez, what is wrong with me??

My life rocks.  I love my husband more than I ever thought it was possible to love another human being (Jesus excluded, of course).  I love my job, and consider myself to be the luckiest (or “most blessed” for those of you who only speak christianese) person for this time in my life.  I have an amazing and cozy townhouse to live in, enough food to eat and then some, and hopes and dreams to keep me motivated.

Sure, the weather may be freezing (especially compared to Kenya), and life has a way of throwing curve balls at you sometimes (my sister), and there is so much garbage that goes on in the world.  Nonetheless, I’m pretty sure everyone else’s grass is no greener than mine.  I deliberately choose to be JOYFUL in ALL circumstances, placing my trust in God ALONE, and building PERSEVERANCE!

Merry Christmas everyone.  Yeah, that’s right, I said it… MERRY CHRISTMAS.  Not “happy holidays” or “season’s greetings”.  Summer and spring and fall are seasons too, and Victoria day is also a holiday.  IT’S NOT LOGICAL to celebrate the CHRISTMAS season without calling it CHRISTMAS.  If you’re Jewish and celebrate Hannukah, then fine.  Say “Happy Hannukah”.  But don’t deny me the right to say “Merry Christmas” if you’re just some burnt-out, cynical, secular atheist who can’t face the facts and admit that there’s a God, and it’s HIS son’s birthday!

And that’s what’s in my head right now.  Got more than you paid for, didn’t ya?

So sometimes I get a little anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach.  I’m not entirely sure why.  I need to do a little introspection, and pay more attention to my “feelings” – those strange and illogical things.  Oh- wait- I’ve learned that they aren’t actually illogical… but I do maintain that they are a bit scary.

Why oh why?  I’ve been told that if you think you’re crazy, you’re probably not.  Whew!  Good thing for me.  Anyway- there’s no reason that I know of to feel anxious.  Yet I feel it.  I usually try to ignore it, and it goes away, but eventually it comes back.  I think the enemy gets in my head sometimes, and I need to be more vigilant in paying attention to my emotions… I think that’s where he gets me.  Sometimes I really feel the weight of the world on my shoulders (or is that the ache from the bumpiest ride of my life yesterday for 4 hours in rural Kenya?  I can’t say for sure 🙂

Well, now that I’ve intensified that angst by being vulnerable to God-knows-who reading this…

Brilliant, really. 

PS- I really like myself. Really. Now aren’t I just full of paradoxical feelings and confusion? Lovely.

I'm Red, he's Honey. I'm the writer of this blog and the source of your entertainment and/or boredom. We're parents of an exceptionally adorable child, and we have no idea what we're doing! This blog is the outlet for my thoughts along the way - welcome! Pull up a couch, grab a cup of tea, and stay a while! Or back away slowly. Whatever works.

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

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