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Since having a baby 6 and a half months ago, there seems to be conspicuously less time available for Red and Honey to go on romantic and adventurous dates.

Clearly, this is a tragedy.

Though not so much as one might think. Despite the ridiculously crazy foray into parenthood that has become our lives… we’ve more or less not minded that we’ve stayed home more.

Less spending money we don’t have on dates that are forgettable anyway, more sitting on the couch sipping tea and talking with one another or watching a favorite show together… has been quite nice, really.

Nonetheless, it is still nice to get away every once in a while. To dress up pretty, and eat fancy food. To have him open my car door for me. To eat filet mignon that’s perfectly tasty and completely free

Tonight we’re going to a fancy dinner for Honey’s work. Because my Honey does the audio and technical directing of the evening, I always get to tag along, and we have a free date.

This year, though, with the noticeable decline of fancy dinners and dates as of late, I am especially grateful that we get to go again this year. So today’s Gratituesday is this: I am grateful for (free!) dates with my amazing hubby!

I’ll hopefully show you a picture of us all spit-shined and fancied up on our big date. Stay tuned!

What are you grateful for? Write about it, or leave a comment below. Don’t forget to link up to Heavenly Homemakers too!

works-for-me-wednesdayWelcome to the Red and Honey inaugural edition of Works-For-Me Wednesday, a fun little carnival hosted by We Are That Family. I am totally loving the blogging carnival thing, and hope to make them a regular occurrence on this blog!

My WFMW tip for this week is something that approximately 98.6 percent of the blogosphere has probably already heard of.

But I’m going to use it anyway. Because I just discovered it a month ago or so, and it is SO TOTALLY AMAZINGLY FABULOUS that I can’t even believe I didn’t have it before.

Google reader, where have you been all my life?

It is so simple and amazing, saves me so much time, and provides some good “surfing” when all I want to do is sit for a minute and relax while the babe sleeps. I subscribe to mostly the mom/homemaking/natural living/humor type of blogs, which all keep me sane during those long days as a SAHM when my only social interaction is a 6-month-old, and 3 cats.

(At our house during weekdays, most conversation consists of  “agah, goo gah, dadadada”, and “yay squash! so yummy!”, and “good job bubba, you burped/pooped/peed/babbled, etc”).

Intellectual stimulation… not so much.

So, I pop over to my google reader, see what’s new in the blogging world, and feel connected to the real world for a few minutes.

Worth it’s weight in gold, I’d say.

(Yeah I know it’s on the internet. I’m sure if it had a weight though, it would be a zillion billion tons. Right? Right.)

What tips do you have to share? Do you have a feed reader? Am I really the last person in the internet-lovin’ world to have one?

I'm Red, he's Honey. I'm the writer of this blog and the source of your entertainment and/or boredom. We're parents of an exceptionally adorable child, and we have no idea what we're doing! This blog is the outlet for my thoughts along the way - welcome! Pull up a couch, grab a cup of tea, and stay a while! Or back away slowly. Whatever works.

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